Wednesday, May 6, 2009

"Flexible" is my middle name!

Maybe you can identify with this, but over the years I've come up with a list of things that I can and cannot tolerate in a potential partner.  I was mulling this over the other day, and decided to apply this list to Rob (yeah, I know. It boggles the mind).  Is there anything I COULD not! WOULD not! tolerate from Robert Pattinson?

Aside from the standard moral and ethical No-Nos, the list was surprisingly short.  I thought it would actually be more interesting to list the things that I would accept from Rob, but that I'm unwilling to accept from other men.

Here it is:

1)  Speedos- Any color. Seriously, I'm cool with it

2)  Teva footwear- With/without socks

3)  Birkenstocks- Again, with/without socks, wearing plaid Bermuda's, and a fishing hat.

4)  Tighty whities- I might laugh... but trust me, I'm watching him walk away.

5)  Eating like a caveman- I really wanted to be that piece of cake in How To Be.

6)  Wearing his pants too tight- In fact, I might insist.

7)  Colorful sweaters- On other men: No. On Rob: Yeeees!

8)  Grabbing my ass- I usually hate this, but right now, it's the dream keeping me alive!

9)  Leaving the toilet seat up- I'd get something *wink* every time he forgot.

10) White Pants- On Rob: Don't move. Be very still. I'm coming to get you. On other men: Gay sailor.

11) Ordering something to share- I want my own food! (I know, I have issues), But I'd share with Rob.

12) Chest hair- Usually not into it, but every time I see Rob's, my fingers flex and strain.

13) A Full Beard- On Rob: Rugged and virile. On other men: The unabomber or a gay construction worker.

14) Muscle shirts- Yep. Even if it had a picture of two pigs doing it and read, Makin' Bacon

I don't like to think I'd sell my soul... I prefer to think of it as being flexible.

That's it for now.




Rose said...


Love the list! Amazing what we would put up with when it comes to Rob!

<3 You!

Anonymous said...

Hey - how did I miss this one????? It doesn't show up on my blogger updates.

Where to start with your list?

Speedo: *hork* I'm not sure ... if he had the wife beater/muscle shirt and rainbow sweater on top - maybe.

Hair: Any hair on Rob is schmexy, nostril hair included.

The list could go on and on. There's not much we wouldn't put up with from this man.

Tess said...

Only a list will will do when it comes to loving Rob.. You'd don't want to miss anything ;)

AJ- Rob wearing: a speedo, muscle shirt, w/rainbow sweater, AND dancing around to Barry White = that's my current fantasy right there baby..