Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Are you there God? It's me again. Tess.

And so the begging conversation continues in yet another church somewhere in Italy (*see 1st conversation)

Me: "Hello God. It's me again. I just thought I'd stop in to see if you've given anymore thought to what we discussed during our last conversation?"


Me: "I mean, I know I probably shouldn't be bothering you right now, with everything else you have going on"

Waits some more...

Me: "Is it the whole "one frenzied night of passion with Rob" that you don't approve of? Because I was thinking I could change that. Why don't I just asked for us to meet, fall in love, and then get married instead?"

Still waiting...

Me: "Oh, Jesus H. Christ! Can we just get on with it? These candles are costing me one Euro each and it's fucking freezing in here.

God: "You know, I don't remember you having Tourettes! When the hell did this happen? You pray to God with that mouth?"

Me: "erm, I didn't think you were listening..."

God: "DIDN'T think I was listening! Woman, how can I NOT hear you? You're like a broken record, droning on and on and on..

Me: "You don't need to make me feel so fucking pathetic about it. It's not like I bother you for that much as it is"

God: "Oh really! What about this: (falsetto voice) "Oh god, if you just make this headache go away I promise never to drink again" or "please God, let these pants still fit" or...

Me: "Yeah well, What have you done for me lately? I also asked for a Schwinn Cruiser once and that never happened, so I figure you owe me"

God: "Do you always do that little thing with your shoulders when you say that?"

Me: "When I say what"

God: "What have you done for me lately? because you really need to stop. It's not a good look."

Me: "You know, maybe I'm not praying to the right person for this. Maybe I should go to Mary with this one. You just don't get it"

God: "Mary? As in The Virgin?"

Me: "Yeah"

God: "Oh. And she would understand this stupid request better becaaauuse why? she's a woman?"

Me: "Exactly!"

God: "And how do you know I'm not a woman? Remember? Gen. 1:27 "God created man in his own image. In the image of God he created them. He created them male and female."


God: "What? Why are you looking at me that way?"

Me: "You're a hermaphrodite!"

God: "Hermaphro..! Jesus! WHY the fuck do I even bother with you?"

(( POOF))

Me: "Fuck me! *face palms* and *bangs head* on pew

Get's up, walks out of church....

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Talent begins with 'T' and so does Tess. Coincidence? I think not!

In a recent interview, Rob mentioned a few things he found attractive in a girl, and I quote:

Rob:  "I like talented girls.  If she's really talented, I don't care about the other things."

This got me thinking, well frowning really, about whether or not I had a talent worthy of Rob? What was he thinking of when he said talent?  Is he looking for a specific skill or are we talking party tricks? 

Just to be on the safe side, I've compiled a list of what I think MY talents are.

Here we go:
* This list is by no means in order of importance.

1. I can read a map!
2. I know how to work a microwave in Japanese & Chinese (Hot pockets doable anywhere)
3. Same goes for washing machines (add German & French washing machines to this as well)
4. I make really good salsa, French toast, taco's, & I can microwave anything else (see #2)
5. I know how to use those store bought boxes of hair dye (never a dull moment)
6. If you get your string lost inside your hoodie, I can get it out!
7. I can say "you make my nose swell" in Swedish (long story)
8. I can say "I love you" and cuss in several languages (can combine the two)
9.  I'm really good at carrying multiple things at once; grocery bags, shoes, luggage (i.e., useful)
10. I know how to paint.... a room
11. I can repeat almost every line in the movie The Breakfast Club (don't ask)
12. I know the lyrics to almost every Irish folk song known to man (again, don't ask)
13. I know what a quahog is!
14. I can pump my own gas (will do the same for you)
15. I do my own hair very nice...
16. I can tie a knot in a cherry stem with my tongue (don't get excited, just a party trick)
17. I can entertain myself for hours, so no need for you to entertain me.
18. I tell good bedtime stories (yeah, I could put you to sleep)
19. I can smoke with either my left or right hand (I know... I'm reaching here)
20. I can always find a parking space or hail a cab.
21. I remember names and faces (useful for all those proposals you keep making)
22. I have a freakish recall for phone numbers (hot damn! I can almost hear you knocking)
23. I can amuse you with all my useless trivia about superstitions
24. I met Tony Orlando once!
25. Did I mention that I do my hair really nice?
26. I can skate backwards (looks SO hot!)
27. I can french inhale (smexy)
28. I snort when I laugh.. which in turn will make you laugh, so I'm entertaining!
29. I can kill any plant (Trust me, this takes talent)
30. Animals and small children like me, just not at the same time.

I feel the need to stop because it's just getting gratuitous now, and I sound like I'm boasting, but if you don't see anything above that interests you, I have multiple personalities and they're all very talented.

Disclaimer* I should let you know that I no longer smoke because it makes the inside of my mouth peel.  Please add this to the list, if you consider it a talent.

Call me!  

Friday, January 9, 2009

It only hurts the 1st time ~or~ Never see Twilight with a woman who carries a big stick.

It sounded like a good idea at the time.  

A good friend of mine was leaving Singapore to move back to Canada. So, she invited a few friends over to her house to watch a chick flick, (either Enchanted or Grease) and to finish up all the open bottles of alcohol before the shipping company started packing. I was more than happy to do my bit to help out.  

Oh.. and I should mention that we were all required to wear our pajama's and that I was the only Non-Hockey Mom present.

So there I was, sitting in my magenta coloured velour lounging outfit (it looks better than it sounds), swilling down my third Bloody Mary (these being preceded by at least two glasses of wine) singing along at the top of my lungs to 'Grease Lightening' when somehow I found myself discussing Twilight with 'Sandy' (names have been changed to protect the innocent). Sandy is a stick-thin mother of two, who's children attend the same school as my son. She also happens to be the goalie on a women's ice hockey team here, called chicks-with-sticks (catchy right?) AND a coed team (yikes). In other words, don't fuck with Sandy. 

Turns out Sandy is a huge fan of the Twilight Saga! To quote the Great One, 'Who knew?" Sandy had been introduced to the books by other friend, 'Rizo' (sensing a theme?). So in my drunken stupor, I go on to say how much I'm looking forward to seeing Twilight, blah blah blah.. Sandy tells me she'd really like to see it as well, and in the end, we agreed to go together.  She mentioned she was going to get in touch with Rizo to see if she had any interest in joining us. Agreed? Agreed! 

Fast forward a week. I purchased tickets for Sandy, Rizo, and myself to see a Sunday evening showing. Oh what to wear??  (Just kidding. It didn't really enter my mind, that much) An hour before the show, I receive an sms from Sandy asking me to purchase another ticket because another friend of ours, 'Frenchie', wanted to come along too (I'm feeling the love).

I need to point out, that of all the women, I've known Frenchie the longest. Sandy was an acquaintance at best and I had never met Rizo.  

To say I was looking forward to seeing Twilight is an understatement!  I didn't have words to define the emotions I was feeling; the butterflies, the palpitations! I had even downloaded the Twilight soundtrack to my ipod for mood music on the ride over. I'm too embarrassed to admit how many times I listened to 'Never Think', by Robert Pattinson.  

I was the first to arrive (anxious?) After wandering around the lobby for a bit, I spied the 2 meter tall movie cutout for Twilight. I cued Never Think on my pod again, and just stared at the poster.. letting Rob's eyes speak to me.  A few moments later I was snapped out of my revery by a 'tap' on my shoulder (yeah.. I think I might've even been swaying)  it was Sandy and Frenchie.  I pull the plugs out of my reddened ears and gave them each a hug and asked where Rizo was?  They pointed to a blond women I had spied earlier (Oh God.. was she watching me gazing at the poster with such longing?) and say "hello" Then I look at Frenchie and say, "I didn't know you were a Twilight fan?" she says, "I'm not, I'm just tagging along for a night out"  I look at Sandy and Rizo, "So. Are you looking forward to seeing Rob in all his glory?" -Blank looks from everyone- "Who?" (now I'm worried)  I answer, "You mean, you haven't watched the trailers? You aren't familiar with anyone in the film?" they say, "Nope. We've only read the books, and wanted to see the movie"  

I mentally threw my head back and howled..

We find our seats:  Rizo, Sandy, Me, and Frenchie. Then, they all start talking about hockey.  WTF!  I pull out my ipod (this memory is painful) and say, "Have you listened to the soundtrack yet?" -again, blank stares- They say, "uh. no" I say, "I have it here if anyone would care to listen. The actor playing the lead, Robert Pattinson, actually contributed a few tracks. He's quite talented" (imagine the eager bunny look on my face)  Sandy takes pity on me and grabs an earphone to listen.. after a few seconds she hands it back to me and says.."I can't really hear it that well" I say, "Oh, I'll turn it up" she says, "uh.. no, that's OK, maybe later"  I'm feeling rather pathetic now.  

The movie starts... and I'm mesmerized.. I'm absolutely beside myself.  My eyes are huge, my heart is racing, my skin is itching, I making these little sighing sounds, and I actually forget to breath during a few parts. I sneak a look at Frenchie and she seems to be enjoying herself.  When Rob walks into the cafeteria for the first time, I look at Sandy for an acknowledgment of his hotness, but she's not playing. After the kissing scene, I unconsciously reached out and touched Sandy's arm and said "Oh wow"  She looked at me for a moment then down at my hand still resting on her arm as if to say "Why are you touching me?" I quickly snatched my hand back and said to myself, "Oh God, now she thinks I'm a freak".  

For 2 hours, that theatre chair was my own private sanctuary.  I felt like I was in this alternate universe where I could inject myself inside the amazing story of Twilight.  The movie met, and, dare I say, surpassed my expectations.  As the movie ended, I couldn't move.  The credits were rolling and then I realized my companions weren't moving either.  The lights came on and all of us were still staring at the screen like we were waiting for someone to jump out and say "but wait, there's more!"  Eventually, we all filed out of the theatre in silence.  Wearing shellshocked looks on our faces. I want to obsess people!  Somebody speak!

I cave. "Well?  What did you guys think?". The dam breaks.  Sandy really liked it. She wasn't expecting it to be good, and was pleasantly surprised.  Rizo (pleasantly) agrees.  Frenchie, "Thought that guy was HOT. He alone, was worth seeing it!" (have I mentioned how much I love Frenchie?)

God, how I missed my Robkats at that moment. I wanted an in-depth analysis of every scene, gaze, the kiss, what was left out, what was added. I needed to talk about it.

Right before we parted company, I mentioned that I was a bit annoyed that they strayed from the book by adding the bad vamps killing people in Forks.  Rizo looks at me and says rather forcefully, "That was in the book" I reply "No it wasn't"  She says, "Yes, it was" and goes on to press her point. I just changed the subject because I wanted to be polite, but I knew I was right (dammit).  I finished the night by adding "I wouldn't mind seeing it again. Anyone interested?"  Rizo laughs (or was it a sneer) and says "Oh, come on! (more laughter) I have to get going, goodnight. Sandy? can I give you a lift home?"  Frenchie takes her leave.  Sandy starts to follow Rizo, but then she turns around, looks at me, smiles, puts her thumb and little finger up to her face in that universal sign for Call Me, winks and walks off. 

A moment later I was in a cab on way my home, with the sounds of a gently strumming guitar filling my ears..

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Conversations with God ~ Part I

During my recent trip to Italy, I couldn't help but visit a few churches (as you do).  It was during one of these visits that I found myself falling to my knees in prayer and having multiple conversations with God.  This is a transcript of our first conversation.

Me: "God?  It's me, Tess".

(waited for reply, got nothing... so, I continued)

"Remember how Joan of Arc began hearing voices and receiving messages from Angels at the age of 12?  Well, I guess I'm a late bloomer, because lately, I appear to be hearing the voices of Angels singing every time I see the face of this one certain man by the name of Robert Thomas Pattinson.  So, I thought I'd pop in here and say a little prayer to beg ask if you could arrange for me to have just one chance meeting with Rob.
God: "Chance meeting?" Would you care to rephrase that?"

Me: *to self* (yes, I can carry on more than one silent conversation with myself at the same time)  "Fuhhck! I completely forgot about him being all knowing and crap"

God: "I heard that"

Me: "Shit! I mean.. sorry.  OK, OK, Not just one chance meeting, (mumbling) but one errm.. frenziednightofpassion with Rob".

God: "Oh, for the love of ME Woman!  Take a number.  If I have to hear this prayer from one more prepubescent, hormonal, menopausal, AND the occasional MALE human being.. I'm going to go Sodam and Gamorrah on someone's ass!  I mean seriously, have an original thought!   And... aren't you married?"

Me: "Yes, I am.  But I was wondering about that... I mean, we weren't married in the church, so maybe it doesn't even count, and..."

God:  "Doesn't count!  Are you MAD?"

Me:  "But the wedding was outside and in Canada... I mean, come on!  I'm not even Canadian and neither is he! Is that even legal?  And besides (mumbling again), he said I could haveafreepass."

God:  "Whaaat! A free Pass?  WTF is that!  Doesn't anyone believe in the sanctity of marriage anymore?  Does he get a free pass?"

Me:  "Uh, Yeah.  Angelina Jolie"

God: (burst out laughing) "Angelina Jolie! (buwahahhaa) Angelina!. Are you kidding me?  You know, she's kinda occupied right now, and no offense, but I know your husband, and he sort of looks like an Altar Boy.  Not really Angelina's type if you catch my drift". 

Me: "I know, I know.  But we just watched Wanted and now he thinks he might have a chance.  And, hey, speaking of Altar Boys.  You're lucky I'm even in here praying to you right now with all the shit that's gone down with your priests and Altar Boys lately!"

God: "OH, Youdidnotjustsaythat!  This conversation is over.  I'm outta here."

Me:  "Wait!  Don't go... I'm sorry, I take it back!"

"Hello... God... Are you still there?"

"Shhit! Why did I bring up the Altar boys?  I'm such a fucking idiot"