Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Just Another Reason I Wanna Be Barbie

Now the bitch really does have everything, even her own personal Edward Cullen.

Mattel, the makers of Barbie, have recently unveiled their versions of the Twilight characters, (did they really have to make Edward look like the Tin Man?) which will be available for purchase at the end of October this year.

You know, I loved playing with Barbies growing up. Hell, I'd play with them now if I could get away with it. Every so often, I still go down the Barbie aisle and let my eyes glaze over ~ And don't tell anyone, but once and a while I'll even buy one *cough* as a collector *cough* for investment purposes only.

I just might have to get myself an Ed-bie, for 'investment purposes'. Ri-ight...

That's it for now.


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Let's Play a Game!

Have you ever played Word Association? You know, where someone chooses a word, and then you're supposed to say the first word that comes to mind?


Well then how about we play Picture Association instead? I'll post a few pictures, and write the first thing that comes to mind, and then you can feel free to write the first thing that comes to your mind in the comments section!

Ohhhh *rubs hands together* this is going to be so much fun!

1. 'My f__king allergies are killing me!'

2. Renesmee, eat your heart out!

3.'What?? Hold that thought while I flip off the paps'

4. 'Oh S__T! I forgot to untie Tess'

5. Zombert

6. 'Well thats a strange place for a hickey!'

7. 'WTF do you want?'

8. 'Teessss! I lurrrve you!!!'

9. 'Are you there God? It's me, Robert'

10. 'Wha'... You neva seen a pigeon toed stalker before?'

11. 'I like you wall. You don't say much, but I like you'

You know... I could do this all day long, but they say you have about 3 seconds to grab your readers interest, and I've probably already lost you.

That's it for now.


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Whooo Hooo! It's a Sign!!

Dear Rob,

Ever since AJ a little birdie suggested that perhaps you were 'lysdexic', and this is why you were confused by my last message, I've given up hope of ever seeing you pantomime your love for me. So I started looking for other signs, and holy funky chicken! Today I wasn't disappointed.

What further proof do I need than this!?!

Not even feathers can hide your hotness!

Freaky! because I borrowed this dress from Björk to wear just in case you called to see if I would be your date at the Oscars (it's OK, I've already forgiven you).

Coincidence? We all know there's no such thing! Birds of a feather flock together.

How cute are we going to be this Halloween eh?

I can be your bird! Hahaha... get it? No? no harm, no fowl, come here and pluck me!

Wait! Are you flipping me the bird? *snort*

Alright, alright... I'll stop for now.

Call me!

Your Little Chickadee,


And Now For Something Completely Different

Have you ever had one of those moments which sparks a thought? The thought gains momentum, and soon you find yourself unable to think of anything else ~  you're consumed by it.


Yeah, I thought you might. But for once (actually twice) I'm not talking about Robert Pattinson.  I'm talking about LOVE.  

I'm no stranger to thoughts of LOVE, but I've been giving the subject special attention this past week, due to reliving some memories and revisiting a favorite poem by Kahlil Gibran, which begins: 


~I purified my lips with sacred fire that I might speak of love, but when I opened my mouth to speak, I found myself mute.

I sang the melodies of a love I did not yet know, but when I came to know it, the words became a muffled whisper in my mouth, the songs in my breast a profound silence~


So come on!... How 'bout it?...

Anyone care to share their thoughts about the world's most celebrated, sought after, elusive, sometimes misused, and oft times misunderstood emotion?

I'd LOVE to hear from you  *ba dum bum*



Wednesday, June 3, 2009

*whispers* I See Literary Characters...

'Farewell' by Sulamith Wülfing

Over the past several days, I've been bombarded with images and thoughts ~ of leaving, letting go, and bittersweet reunions.   This poem is the result.


Leave Taking

by Tess

When you go, please leave something behind.

Leave me with my memories.

I want to remember the feel of you, like balm, against my skin.

What would I give to delight in your touch?

The weight of your lips against mine.

How far would I travel to breathe in the sweetness of you?

The sound of your voice in my ears.

which soothes and carries away my sighs 

Leave me with my memories

I want to close my eyes and see you outlined by the sun

As if you were the source of it's light

Hear your whispered words in the dark

As we lay listening to the night

Is there more than the pain of your leaving?

 Who really remembers pain? you only fear it returning

Leave me with my memories

So I can remember...until you come back to me.



Tuesday, June 2, 2009


This is one of my favorite photo's of Rob. 
I know it's just a screen cap, but I feel it somehow captures who he is ~ not just the outside, but on the inside as well.  I look at this, and I feel like he'd have some very interesting things to say ~ and it makes me wish I could hear them.

Something about this photo also seemed incredibly familiar to me. But why?  It's been niggling for months, until I recently came across this...

'Adonis' Dream' by Richard Franklin

Richard Franklin is an American modern day artist, who has lived and studied the old masters abroad.   His 'Adonis' Dream' isn't exactly what I'm seeing in my minds eye ~ perhaps this was partially influenced by something else, but it's pretty close, so I'm satisfied for now.  
