Friday, September 25, 2009

In The Gap

I came across these words from Osho about a month ago. I read them―didn't get it, read them again, still didn't get it―closed the book and promptly forgot about them.

I re-read these same words over again yesterday, and I feel―well, I guess you could say I feel differently about them now.


Take it Easy - Osho

Buddha has chosen one of the really very potential words ― shunyata. The English word, the English equivalent, 'nothingness' is not such a beautiful word.

That's why I would like to make it 'no-thingness' ― because the nothing is not just nothing, it is all. It is vibrant with all possibilities. It is potential, absolute potential. It is unmanifest yet, but it contains all.

In the beginning is nature, in the end is nature, so why in the middle do you make so much fuss? Why, in the middle, becoming so worried, so anxious, so ambitious ― why create such despair?

Nothingness to nothingness is the whole journey.

✴ ✴ ✴

That's it for now,



Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I would've bit him... Just sayin'

By now, we've all seen countless replays of Kanye West's unfortunate outburst, at Taylor Swifts expense, this past Sunday on the VMA's. Ms. Swift handled it graciously, the backlash Kanye is receiving is well deserved, and he has since apologized. Hopefully, everyone can move on.

I couldn't help but wonder though ~ Can you imagine if Kanye had done something like this to Robward! (Russell Brand still trying to make up).

The man wouldn't have made it off the stage, let alone the building! Mess with the TWI, you get the HARD (whatever that means).

Yep. It was a good thing Kanye chose to mess with just one petite blonde... because they're a bitch en masse.


Monday, September 14, 2009

It's All About Me

Me and my shadow

To any intentional or accidental visitors,

As you know, this blog is called Tess. Considering that all but two of my previous blog posts have been about Robert Pattinson, I felt this was perhaps a bit misleading. I even toyed with the idea of changing it﹣But to what? All of the good Rob blog (try saying that 5x fast) names are taken, so why bother. I thought it best to warn you though, I've had a lot on my mind lately... which means I'll be doing a little 'random blogging' here and there... Lucky you.

So in short, I'm apologizing in advance to anyone who is here because they've googled; Shirtless Rob, my future in-laws, Tess Eureka (who the fuck is this anyway?), and to everyone else who finds themselves confused, offended, mislead, or bored to death in a future post.

That's it for now...



Thursday, September 3, 2009

Mama Mia!

Thanks to these fun manips, and Wikipedia, I now know far more about ABBA than is probably necessary. It's been fascinating. Now I'm full of even more shit useless trivia!

Blame 'Bennifer' for the celebrity-couple name combining madness? Nope, think again. ABBA = Anni-Frid, Benny, Björn, and Agnetha. Thanks guys.

Wow! You're Björn Again!

Hetsig Jaklar!! Forget all the other names I have for you. From now on you're my little baked potato.

Two words Strawberry & Shortcake


*Stamps foot* I wanna be a doll too!

I better stop before this post becomes my Waterloo.
