Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Just call me Pilgrim

I'm currently in Tuscany, so I thought I'd go to Mecca Montepulciano and revisit a city I love. I planned to snap a few pictures, do a bit of shopping, have a gelato, and see if I could sense any lingering essence of Robert Pattinson from when he was here this past May filming scenes for New Moon.

To heighten the experience, I tried to walk in the foot steps of the 'Sparkly One'.

This is the Palazzo Comunale. The fountain is gone, but that didn't stop me from sprinting across the piazza and flinging myself through the doorway shouting various nonsense.

I really wanted to sit in same spot as Rob, but given the man's rumored potency, I thought it best to stand.

After seeing various photo's of Rob's body coming in contact with these doors, I couldn't resist touching them myself. I would've licked them too, but I was attracting enough attention as it was.

Yeah, no matter how much I prayed... the doorway remained empty.

Whaaat?? No Mountain lion?

My, erm... 'feminine attributes' were doing odd things to the moon, so I had to pass.

Tess: 'Scusimi singnora. Will this make me sparkle?'

Sales Lady: 'Cosa?'

Edward really needs to wear a pair of these in Eclipse don't you think? Yep, because nothing says; "I can rip your f**cking head off" like these shoes.


You know, I've always loved this city. The view from the walls, the charming windows and doorways you spot in unexpected places, the history, the people, so I really can't say if it feels less or more to me knowing that Rob has possibly walked where my feet have tread... but what I will say, is that it definitely gave me an excuse to be a dork for a day.

That's it for now people. Go home, there's nothing left to see...



Thursday, July 23, 2009

A Baker's Dozen

Dear Rob,

You have no idea how happy you made me with this quote:

Chatting with Bop magazine, Twilight star Robert Pattinson asserts, “I think we all have the right to fall in love several times. I think you can love ten people at the same time.

Finally! A man who can appreciate me.

Tess = Multiple Personalities.

Yeah, I guess you could consider me One-Stop-Shopping, because there's at least ten different woman inside me

'Wait, that didn't sound right!'

'Oh, and you could do better?'

'One-Stop-Shopping? LAME!'

'Great. Now we sound cheap'

'Cheap? I'm not cheap. I'm just on special!!'

'No. You're just cheap'



'JFC! Will you all stfu! I'm trying to sleep here!'

'Oh, um, sorry. G'night Tess'

'Yeah, night Tess'

'Night Tess'

'Goodnight John-boy'




That's it for now.

Call Us!



Thursday, July 16, 2009

A Magic Wand and Great Balls of Fire?

Over the past several weeks, I've seen several video's of Robert Pattinson filming Remember Me in and around the streets of New York City. The set is surprisingly open, so there are always large groups of fans hoping for a glance, along with the ever present swarm of Paparazzo.

I've been in constant awe of Rob's ability to keep his focus and his cool, but this recent video of what I'm sure he'd hoped would be a relaxed dinner with close friends and work associates takes the cake! As always, his behavior is beyond reproach. And even though he did deliver a biting retort, which I'm sure didn't register with the gnat filming him until much later, he was more polite than perhaps I would've been.

I've often wondered how he manages? I've come to the conclusion that he is definitely a man of strong mettle. Yep, he must have balls spheres of steel!

Let's just hope for my sake his aren't as shiny or sparkly as these, or I'd never stop playing with, touching, looking at, err.. um, yeah, well... I'd never get anything done!

That's it for now.

Love and Bocce Balls,


Sunday, July 12, 2009

Hush boy... talk with your lips...

Dear Rob,

It's been reported that you recently gave some insight on what it’s like to kiss you on the set.

I always get carried away when I’m kissing,” the hunky British actor told Twist magazine. “I just go nuts! Walking away after it is the strangest moment for me. It’s embarrassing — not knowing what to say to each other.”

ME TOO!!!!!

Erm, not the on the set part, the I always get carried away when kissing part. I love to kiss. To me, there's something far more intimate about kissing than any other physical act.

The closeness

The sounds

The sighs

The mummers

The taste

The anticipation

The warmth

The mingling of breath

It's as though as long as the kiss lasts, you're connected, or share one another's essence. I once read that ancient lovers believed that kissing would unite their souls, because it was believed the spirit was carried in your breath.

So, yeah Rob. You don't need to threaten me with a good time. Bring it.

That's it for now,

Love and Kisses,


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A Man and his Wand.

When I saw this picture for the first time today, it gave me the giggles. I couldn't help picturing the conversation behind it .

Rob: 'Do I really have to hold this? I feel like an complete idiot'

Photographer: 'Yeah, It'll be cool.. drive the girls crazy! Sort of phallic, and it's er... um... yeah, just grasp it like you mean it and look badass!'

I also couldn't help but think of my Grandmother. She always used to say: 'It's not the size of the wand, it's the magic in it'

Yeah, Grandma was wild and wise. I think I would've had to arm wrestle her for Rob.

That's it for now.
