Thursday, June 11, 2009

Whooo Hooo! It's a Sign!!

Dear Rob,

Ever since AJ a little birdie suggested that perhaps you were 'lysdexic', and this is why you were confused by my last message, I've given up hope of ever seeing you pantomime your love for me. So I started looking for other signs, and holy funky chicken! Today I wasn't disappointed.

What further proof do I need than this!?!

Not even feathers can hide your hotness!

Freaky! because I borrowed this dress from Björk to wear just in case you called to see if I would be your date at the Oscars (it's OK, I've already forgiven you).

Coincidence? We all know there's no such thing! Birds of a feather flock together.

How cute are we going to be this Halloween eh?

I can be your bird! Hahaha... get it? No? no harm, no fowl, come here and pluck me!

Wait! Are you flipping me the bird? *snort*

Alright, alright... I'll stop for now.

Call me!

Your Little Chickadee,



Anonymous said...

This AJ persons sounds as crazy as a loon! A real bird brain.

I'm pretty sure you and Robird would be happy as larks together. So get your ducks in a row, spread your wings, fly the coop and set your eagle eyes on NYC.

Ok. I'll stop now. ♥

Tess said...

OH AJ... you make me cackle like a goose

♥ you.

Tess said...

The pain was physical
I was obsessed... in disbelief. walk away from them? Sure. Them I could understand... But NOT me! I was not disposable. I was worth keeping near. Vanity? It helped.

Now. the pain has lessened, but will always be here. I AM not disposable. I AM worth keeping near.

I need to hear from you.


Tess said...

Why do you continue to visit, yet stay silent?

Shouldn't this continued curiosity be telling you something? What do you have to lose by giving me (and yourself) closure? Nothing.

Pull it together, quit arguing with yourself (biased anyway) and do it. Besides, we both always knew.. Deep down you know this, I know this, no surprises.

It would be kind. I miss our conversations.

Tess said...

Yes? Something you'd like to get off your chest?

Be happy. I wish we were still in connected, close, curious, feeling it out, whatever it was, but it is what it is. I care about you and wish you every happiness.

So much has happened in your life and mine since the last time we connected. I feel the loss of your friendship. You still owe me an email ;) Take care.

Tess said...

Here if needed. This will never change.


Tess said...

Hey Grasshopper. I'm in my favourite place in the world for the next three months. Come hang. It could be just what you need.. God is a personal friend of mine if you recall... Oh, the fun we could have.

xoxoxo. Write me.