Mattel, the makers of Barbie, have recently unveiled their versions of the Twilight characters, (did they really have to make Edward look like the Tin Man?) which will be available for purchase at the end of October this year.
You know, I loved playing with Barbies growing up. Hell, I'd play with them now if I could get away with it. Every so often, I still go down the Barbie aisle and let my eyes glaze over ~ And don't tell anyone, but once and a while I'll even buy one *cough* as a collector *cough* for investment purposes only.
I just might have to get myself an Ed-bie, for 'investment purposes'. Ri-ight...
That's it for now.
Well... sad to say... I'm so getting these dolls. Even though Edward looks constipated.
Don't worry, I know I'm pathetic.
I can't help it.
Hey I commented on this yesterday but the comment didn't show up. Is your blog haunted?
Barbie looks good (if a little plastic-y) for a gal of 50! She's the ultimate cougar! She so deserves a good man like Edward. But don't we all. *le sigh*
♥u Tess!
No... but I think my house is (haunted)!!
♥ you too AJ!
Rose - YourLoveCompletesMe.sg
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