Thursday, June 11, 2009

And Now For Something Completely Different

Have you ever had one of those moments which sparks a thought? The thought gains momentum, and soon you find yourself unable to think of anything else ~  you're consumed by it.


Yeah, I thought you might. But for once (actually twice) I'm not talking about Robert Pattinson.  I'm talking about LOVE.  

I'm no stranger to thoughts of LOVE, but I've been giving the subject special attention this past week, due to reliving some memories and revisiting a favorite poem by Kahlil Gibran, which begins: 


~I purified my lips with sacred fire that I might speak of love, but when I opened my mouth to speak, I found myself mute.

I sang the melodies of a love I did not yet know, but when I came to know it, the words became a muffled whisper in my mouth, the songs in my breast a profound silence~


So come on!... How 'bout it?...

Anyone care to share their thoughts about the world's most celebrated, sought after, elusive, sometimes misused, and oft times misunderstood emotion?

I'd LOVE to hear from you  *ba dum bum*




Anonymous said...

I have a book of Kahil Gibran poetry that I was given as a gift. What a coincidence that you would quote this - truly touching words!

Love is such an expansive topic - so many songs, poems, stories have been written to describe its many facets.

Today - my idea of love comes from my parents (I just talked to my mom on the phone) who have been married for so many years they probably don't remember ever being single and yet they are still friends. And they actually like each other. I guess romantic love ebbs and flows but friendship & committment are the glue that hold it all together.

Anonymous said...

Kahlil sp? I'll have to look when I get home.

Tess said...

The relationship we grow up seeing is definitely the blueprint for the relationships we seek when we're adults. You're parents are lucky to have found one another and you're lucky to have such a great example.

I love his writings. He makes me see what I'm reading. I had to buy all my copies. I would've been really touched to receive one as a gift. 'LUCKY'

Thank you for making me realize I missed an 'L'. Unbelievable! *blush*

Tess said...

Here I am... all alone... talking to myself again.

Maybe it was just a dream..

Tess said...

You should see my smile.

it means so much to me.

Tess said...

What the hell?


Tess said...

I think of you... all the time.

Tess said...

even still.