Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Show Them and They Will Come?

I've been living in SE Asia since 2002, and I can count on ONE hand the number of close friends and or relatives who have come to visit me. ONE hand people!

Even if you didn't have a passport when I first arrived, you've had 8.5 years to get your shit together and come see me! It's free room a board, I'm entertaining as hell, and Bali is just a two hour flight away! What's taking you so long?

Words are not enough?

Need some visual stimulation?

Here's a little taste of what you've missed over the past few weeks (please excuse the quality, some were taken with my phone).

This is a funeral vehicle hired by the family of the deceased as part of the wake. The men usually sing and walk along the outside of the vehicle during the procession. This is an old tradition, which is fading away. I'm happy to have had my camera with me this day.

Hungry? How about a little Buddha-Soup for the soul?

Too hot for soup you say?

How about some chicken?
Half or whole? Which half?

Or maybe you're not that hungry... maybe you'd prefer a snack!

Did I mention it was the monsoon season?

Singapore isn't just for fish flavoured Pringle lovers... You can buy anything you like in here.

For every bizarre thing you come across, there's something beautiful. The cloud formations take will take your breath away... every.single.day

This is an advertising campaign inside a theatre lobby. Heinous grammar is rampant in Singapore, but it's sort of charming.

Another fine example of local advertising. Should you really include the word Baby and caricatures of condoms together? Cannot lah.

I can guarantee you'll see some things you've never seen before. Take this tree for example. Look closely, It's completely covered in a web.

Here's the little bugger responsible.

We get the occasional dragon fly. This is actual size by the way.

Monkeys are also quite common, especially if there are fruit trees in your neighborhood. I took this picture during a run a few weeks ago.

I especially love the way the cab drivers take the time to decorate their dashes. There was a lot going in here, what with the dolphin, auspicious coins, and fish bowl... but it was the prawn that really struck me; it jiggled and vibrated with the motion of vehicle; like it was going to scuttle off at any moment.

Just another cab decoration. I call this: Crouching Air-Freshener, Hidden Camel

There are some lovely places to go during the evening in Singapore.

If you don't believe me, come see for yourself...

I'll leave the light on for you,


Kelly said...

"Crouching Air-Freshener, Hidden Camel"


I love it when you post... never know what I will find, but I always know I will be entertained :)

I've only ever been out of the USA once.. a cruise in the Western Mediterranean.. 7 days.. loved it... SE Asia sounds like an interesting place to visit... not you are actually speaking to me :)

Tess said...

Thank you for your comments Kelly. I love reading them and it makes me happy that you have a good time here :)

Thank goodness you weren't on the recent Carnival Cruise!

Kaye said...

Tess thanks for sharing more of home...I would love to come visit one day.

Fish tank on the dashboard???

This is my 5th attempt at leaving a comment, hope it works!

Kaye said...

Who the hell is natural woman!!!!! I'm really struggling with blogger at the moment.

It's me....Kaye!!
