Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Conversations with God ~ Part I

During my recent trip to Italy, I couldn't help but visit a few churches (as you do).  It was during one of these visits that I found myself falling to my knees in prayer and having multiple conversations with God.  This is a transcript of our first conversation.

Me: "God?  It's me, Tess".

(waited for reply, got nothing... so, I continued)

"Remember how Joan of Arc began hearing voices and receiving messages from Angels at the age of 12?  Well, I guess I'm a late bloomer, because lately, I appear to be hearing the voices of Angels singing every time I see the face of this one certain man by the name of Robert Thomas Pattinson.  So, I thought I'd pop in here and say a little prayer to beg ask if you could arrange for me to have just one chance meeting with Rob.
God: "Chance meeting?" Would you care to rephrase that?"

Me: *to self* (yes, I can carry on more than one silent conversation with myself at the same time)  "Fuhhck! I completely forgot about him being all knowing and crap"

God: "I heard that"

Me: "Shit! I mean.. sorry.  OK, OK, Not just one chance meeting, (mumbling) but one errm.. frenziednightofpassion with Rob".

God: "Oh, for the love of ME Woman!  Take a number.  If I have to hear this prayer from one more prepubescent, hormonal, menopausal, AND the occasional MALE human being.. I'm going to go Sodam and Gamorrah on someone's ass!  I mean seriously, have an original thought!   And... aren't you married?"

Me: "Yes, I am.  But I was wondering about that... I mean, we weren't married in the church, so maybe it doesn't even count, and..."

God:  "Doesn't count!  Are you MAD?"

Me:  "But the wedding was outside and in Canada... I mean, come on!  I'm not even Canadian and neither is he! Is that even legal?  And besides (mumbling again), he said I could haveafreepass."

God:  "Whaaat! A free Pass?  WTF is that!  Doesn't anyone believe in the sanctity of marriage anymore?  Does he get a free pass?"

Me:  "Uh, Yeah.  Angelina Jolie"

God: (burst out laughing) "Angelina Jolie! (buwahahhaa) Angelina!. Are you kidding me?  You know, she's kinda occupied right now, and no offense, but I know your husband, and he sort of looks like an Altar Boy.  Not really Angelina's type if you catch my drift". 

Me: "I know, I know.  But we just watched Wanted and now he thinks he might have a chance.  And, hey, speaking of Altar Boys.  You're lucky I'm even in here praying to you right now with all the shit that's gone down with your priests and Altar Boys lately!"

God: "OH, Youdidnotjustsaythat!  This conversation is over.  I'm outta here."

Me:  "Wait!  Don't go... I'm sorry, I take it back!"

"Hello... God... Are you still there?"

"Shhit! Why did I bring up the Altar boys?  I'm such a fucking idiot" 



Anonymous said...

Hilarious Tess. Truly 'inspired'! Glad you got it all working.

Tess said...

Thanks AJ.. It wouldn't have been as much fun without your patient tutorial yesterday afternoon..

I told God I was adding you to my prayer list... (no need to worry.. Not in the same context )

babbles said...

I really tried not to laugh Tess but that was very UnHoly and Damn as Funny - Grinning like mad as I type...


Tess said...

Oh... thanks ladies.

I'm sure you guys have had similar conversations. if not, just tell me do so I feel better.


Kim said...

Tess, this was epically good.
And yes, I've had the same conversations with God about coveting Rob.
You beautiful soul are not alone.

Tess said...

Thanks for the comment Jov.

Gods ears are burning...