Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Just call me Pilgrim

I'm currently in Tuscany, so I thought I'd go to Mecca Montepulciano and revisit a city I love. I planned to snap a few pictures, do a bit of shopping, have a gelato, and see if I could sense any lingering essence of Robert Pattinson from when he was here this past May filming scenes for New Moon.

To heighten the experience, I tried to walk in the foot steps of the 'Sparkly One'.

This is the Palazzo Comunale. The fountain is gone, but that didn't stop me from sprinting across the piazza and flinging myself through the doorway shouting various nonsense.

I really wanted to sit in same spot as Rob, but given the man's rumored potency, I thought it best to stand.

After seeing various photo's of Rob's body coming in contact with these doors, I couldn't resist touching them myself. I would've licked them too, but I was attracting enough attention as it was.

Yeah, no matter how much I prayed... the doorway remained empty.

Whaaat?? No Mountain lion?

My, erm... 'feminine attributes' were doing odd things to the moon, so I had to pass.

Tess: 'Scusimi singnora. Will this make me sparkle?'

Sales Lady: 'Cosa?'

Edward really needs to wear a pair of these in Eclipse don't you think? Yep, because nothing says; "I can rip your f**cking head off" like these shoes.


You know, I've always loved this city. The view from the walls, the charming windows and doorways you spot in unexpected places, the history, the people, so I really can't say if it feels less or more to me knowing that Rob has possibly walked where my feet have tread... but what I will say, is that it definitely gave me an excuse to be a dork for a day.

That's it for now people. Go home, there's nothing left to see...




Anonymous said...

SOOOOOOOOOOOOO COOOOL!!!!! I'm so excited to see these pics!

I'm so glad you got to go there and feel the aura of Robward. Good choice on not sitting where he did since his potency is well-documented. ;)

Thanks for this Tess! ♥ ♥ ♥

Tess said...

I'm glad you enjoyed them! I had SOOOOO much fun.

I wouldn't be surprised if Summit (or the like) organized an annual "Twajj" (especially after seeing those greeting cards *facepalm*)

♥ you back

Tess said...


The fountain was a prop for the scene. In reality, the Piazza in Montepulciano has a large open space :)


kimberlesk said...

LOVE THIS BLOG ENTRY TESS!! Thanks for linking me to it!!