Thursday, July 16, 2009

A Magic Wand and Great Balls of Fire?

Over the past several weeks, I've seen several video's of Robert Pattinson filming Remember Me in and around the streets of New York City. The set is surprisingly open, so there are always large groups of fans hoping for a glance, along with the ever present swarm of Paparazzo.

I've been in constant awe of Rob's ability to keep his focus and his cool, but this recent video of what I'm sure he'd hoped would be a relaxed dinner with close friends and work associates takes the cake! As always, his behavior is beyond reproach. And even though he did deliver a biting retort, which I'm sure didn't register with the gnat filming him until much later, he was more polite than perhaps I would've been.

I've often wondered how he manages? I've come to the conclusion that he is definitely a man of strong mettle. Yep, he must have balls spheres of steel!

Let's just hope for my sake his aren't as shiny or sparkly as these, or I'd never stop playing with, touching, looking at, err.. um, yeah, well... I'd never get anything done!

That's it for now.

Love and Bocce Balls,



Anonymous said...

I was also impressed with how he kept his cool with that photog. He's got to be under a huge amount of stress but he didn't throw the f-word around or yell or scream or hit, he just confronted him. This is why he still has our respect.

I'm not sure the photog understood the word 'vocation'. Rob might need to dumb down his insults.

Suz said...

I am sure the asswad is wondering why Rob suggested a vacation..

Love him and his impressive, mature carriage. He is truly a class act.
