Dear Rob,
It's been reported that you recently gave some insight on what it’s like to kiss you on the set.
“I always get carried away when I’m kissing,” the hunky British actor told Twist magazine. “I just go nuts! Walking away after it is the strangest moment for me. It’s embarrassing — not knowing what to say to each other.”
ME TOO!!!!!
Erm, not the on the set part, the I always get carried away when kissing part. I love to kiss. To me, there's something far more intimate about kissing than any other physical act.
The closeness
The sounds
The sighs
The mummers
The taste
The anticipation
The warmth
The mingling of breath
It's as though as long as the kiss lasts, you're connected, or share one another's essence. I once read that ancient lovers believed that kissing would unite their souls, because it was believed the spirit was carried in your breath.
So, yeah Rob. You don't need to threaten me with a good time. Bring it.
That's it for now,
Love and Kisses,
You've thrown down the gauntlet, rainbow lips. He can't just go around saying he goes nutz when he kisses and then not prove it with a little breath mingling.
Bring it Pattinson!
Exactly! He needs to put his money where is mouth is... whatever that means. I'm up for it.
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