Take this promotional image of Rachelle Lefevre as " Victoria " for Example:
Note the abundance of flaming red hair, her gaze, the ornament leaves in her hair, and the shearling artfully draped across her shoulder.
Now please compare this image with Dante Gabriel Rossetti's " The Blue Bower " (1865) which features his mistress Fanny Cornforth (Yes, she was English. No, I have no idea what her parents were thinking with that name).
Again, note the abundance of flaming red hair, her gaze, the ornament in her hair, and the shearling artfully draped across around her shoulders.
Coincidence? I think not!
Not only is Catherine Hardwicke one funky chic with terrific fashion sense, but she was fecking inspired!
So the next time someone gives your grief over watching Twilight you just look them straight in the eye and Say it! Out Loud!...
" Twilight is a Thing of Beauty "
See? Don't you feel better already?
Well there you go! Catharine was the art director on several films so it wouldn't surprise me that her trained eye would produce these kinds of images.
The whole visual background of Twilight was lovely with the forest and sky/river. Even the indoor scenes. She was bang on with those. And they truly were beautiful. She got the look right.
Too bad we didn't get just a little more emotion out of the film.
Thanks for the artistic insights!
AJ-The atmosphere CH created in the outdoor scenes were mesmerizing. Everything really matched how I imagined it. I would've enjoyed seeing/feeling a bit more of the relationship develop between E&B too... Instead we're sitting there trying to imagine E tells B he loves her in the garage instead of KNOWING he says it. sheesh!
Anyone?... Anyone?....
Why am I always talking to myself?
Is this really necessary?
it's making me nuts..er.. or more so.
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