Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A Girls Guide to Obsessing

I just thought I'd share a few of my secrets on "How I incorporate Rob into every part of my day":

1. For those of you who are still trying to keep this separate, Don't. Combine the two, embrace it, wallow in it. Feel dirty.

2. Need a pedicure? Go get one --- Just in case Rob feels the need to method act again, and sneaks into your bedroom to watch you sleep...you'll want to have nice toes for this.

3. Thinking about getting your breast augmented? blow it off... you never know if there's some truth to those bromance rumors.

4. Hate Grocery shopping? Think of Rob in the produce section! You'll never look at a banana again without smiling. Try not to bruise the fruit though, this really pisses people off.

5. Your man been after you to get a brazilian wax? humor him. We know who it's for *wink*

6. Quit going to your therapist. It saves money and Rob likes "Nuts Girls".

7. Not in the mood to cook or can't? Nuke a Hot Pocket. If it's good enough for Rob, it's good enough for anyone.

8. It's finally safe to admit that you've always had a thing for guys with Unibrow's (see above picture).

9. Your friend really wants to rent Vanity Fair? Say "yes" followed by, "Oh look! let's watch the alternative ending". Same goes for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and The Order of the Phoenix... Say yes!

10. Need an excuse to practice your penmanship? How about combining your first name with Rob's last name... Come on, you know you want to!

11. Trying to become more computer literate? Spend a few hours everyday on ROBsessed ! You're bound to pick up something!

12. Spend countless hours pondering your character. Rob says he wants to find a girl with character. Just what does he mean? Is he referring to character lines.. or..?

These are just a few ways you can incorporate Rob into your everyday life and still manage to function. I hope you find them useful.



Tina { Luphia Loves... } said...

that's so cute, he's gorgeous!

Rose said...

Tess...you know I fucking love you!

Thanks for making my day!

Anonymous said...

Tess--you have some very practical and cost effective advice here...quitting your therapist is very cost effective!

I'll never look at a banana the sam way again!

Love the picture...gaaaaaaaaaaahhhh he is so divine!


Trixie said...

Tess - LOVED this! The brazilian wax - LOL! Yeah, we know who it's really for!!!

Anonymous said...

This is brilliant Tess! All I need is more justification to Robsess.

I like guys that like "Nuts Girls"

Unknown said...

I looooooooooooooooove this entry!

And I love your blog!
