In 2004, online renewal wasn't an option. I figured I'd just renew it the next time I was in the States. But the last time I was in the US was 2006, and I didn't go to California. Since 2004, the DMV has modernized. Online renewal is now available, but not for me. My license has been expired for more than one year AND my mailing address has changed. Just shoot me now. I tried calling my embassy but they couldn't help me either. Apparently, they're only good for federal issues, international incidents, and passport renewal... whatever.
You're probably wondering how I've been getting around since then? By Cab.
As some of you know I live in Singapore, where owning a car is incredibly expensive, so I don't own one. Believe it or not, taking a cab is cheaper, so for the past 7 years, I've been coddled like Miss Daisy. I've become so used to the convenience of door-to-door service, I'm not even sure I remember how to drive… let alone park. Not having a valid drivers license hasn’t been an issue traveling outside of Singapore either, because I’ve always traveled with someone who did or because local transportation in those locations was cheap and plentiful - tuk tuk anyone?.
One morning I woke up and thought; how could I have let this happen? What happened to my independence? What if I want to go somewhere alone? What if there's an emergency? What if I need to pick up Robert Pattinson from the airport?
Dramatic exits are greatly impacted as well. Have you ever tried storming out of the house in huff and then sheepishly ask for lift? “I’m leaving!” I’d announce, “But don’t look out the window for the next 3o minutes because I’m going on foot”
Do you see why I need to get this sorted?
Wish me luck, and if you’re anywhere on I-95, *wave*
With Love and 3 point turns,