Thursday, February 17, 2011

Not Your Typical Valentines Day Post

Label me provincial, Naïve, illogical, deluded, or whatever other words people choose to attach to the fact that they have somehow died inside, but I am a profound believer in romantic love. I believe in love, but I'm also a selective realist (like I'm a selective Catholic), so when I came across this video I couldn't resist sharing.

Never fear...

I still believe in forever love.

It exists.

Maybe one day I'll find it.

With Squishy Gooey ,

Helen Fisher tells us why we love + cheat


Kelly said...

You make me think.. always...

I believe in Romantic Love... I also understand what Helen was saying.. I believe there is one more part to it... I believe that you need to believe you are worth and worthy of being loved... that you need to be selfish about it and accept it...

Ain't love grand :)

Tess said...

Kelly.. I wish blogger would get around to creating a "Like" button for comments.

"I believe that you need to believe you are worth and worthy of being loved... that you need to be selfish about it and accept it..." Like.

Unknown said...

Tess - This was so interesting! I've been a bit obsessed lately, if being a 'bit' obsessed is even possible, with understanding love. To hear Helen boil it down to physiology is somewhat comforting if that makes any sense.

Thanks so much for sharing this!
