Monday, October 18, 2010

Something Bizarre: Love, Prey, Eat

I know it's been a while since I've posted about something beautiful. You must be thinking I live only among the bizarre, but this just isn't true - I'm surrounded by beauty. Sometimes it's just easier to write about the bizarre.

Take this sign I spotted the other day. It really couldn't have come at a better time.

Hmmm... The next time your 'significant other' thinks you're being a unreasonable, tell them it could be worse.

Love and Nibbles,

Don't hate me. How could I resist?


Kaye said...

Hahaha I'm sure we've all had moments where we feel like do the same thing as the female praying mantis!

Love the new design for the've been a very busy bee.


Kaye said...

*doing (facepalm)

Kelly said...

The female pray mantis gives new meaning to the phrase
"hit it and quit it"

Unknown said...

Tess! Sometimes I think the female praying mantis is really on to something...

The title of this post is perfection.

I used to just love that song, by the way.

And, LOL, Kelly! I'm so lame because I have never heard that phrase before.

Tess said...

Thanks for the comments and compliments everyone!

And yeah... thanks for the new phrase Kelly :)

Shax: I think we used to call it a 'one night stand?' I like "Hit it and quit it" better.