Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Something Bizarre: Ch-Ch-Ch CHIA!

I saw this display while I was out and about a few months ago.

Cute, green, and lucky? How could I resist?

I'm better with people.



This post is for Suz. Because she is lovely... and can rock any look!


Suz said...

this made my MONTH! Thank you my dear, dear friend. ♥♥

It just grows and grows and grows...

Unknown said...

LoL! Singapore has it's own version of the beloved and ever-popular Chia Pet!

I so agree with you that Suz is indeed lovely and can rock any and all looks!

Can we all get together for a playdate? Please?!

Big smooches - Shax

Kelly said...

You are a classic Tess...

And as for Suz... anyone one who doesn't really know her.. they suffer a great loss.. their lives will truly never be complete!

If I promis to behave can I come along on the play date.. I can run back and forth to the bar and get drinks :)