Thursday, October 7, 2010

About Coffee, Relatives, Birthday's, And Unforgettable Moments

Today is the day I always think of my grandmother.

Sure, it's the anniversary of my birth, but more importantly, it's the anniversary of the day I drank my first cup of coffee.

After years of sneaking sweetened spoonfuls to me when no one was looking (moonshine came later), my grandmother announced during dinner, a few weeks before my 11th birthday, that 'she was going to start letting me drink coffee when I turned 11'.

"All this talk about coffee stunting your growth!" she continued, "Humph! Look at her! She's tall enough already. A little coffee ain't gonna hurt her."

I held my breath and kept my eyes pinned to the table; not daring to look at my mother, waiting for an eruption and then... nothing. It was blessed silence.

A few moments later, normal dinner conversation resumed. I looked up and met my grandmother's eyes; she winked... I grinned..., and then started looking toward my birthday with added anticipation.

To this day, I still drink my coffee exactly the way my grandmother first served it to me: strong enough to melt the paint off a wall, with a little cream and two sugars.

It's odd. The moments you remember. I can't recall the exact day I learned to drive, started my first job, or lost my virginity... but I remember my first cup of coffee.

Here's to Grandma... I miss you.




Kat said...

This was lovely... I'll think of your sweet gran when I have my coffee in the morning.

Happy Birthday Tess.. xoxox

Unknown said...

My darling Tess,

Our minds must be meeting on some dimension of which we are not aware because my own grandmoer has been heavily on my mind, as well.

I love this story and am happy that you have this very special and significant memory of your grandmother to keep with you always.

Like you, I find it very interesting which moments stay with us throughout the years and which moments become lost to time.

Hope you had a lovely birthday.

xoxo Shax

Tess said...

Thank you for sharing in my moment... It's like we had a coffee break ;) I love this idea.

Kisses to you both!

Kaye said...

Thank you for sharing this beautiful story Tess. I love hearing how rituals start for people. I can't remember my first cup of coffee...
