Friday, August 20, 2010

The Bizarre: What The Pluck!

Never leave home without a camera. Why, you ask? Because you just never know what you're going to see.

Case in point, a few photo's taken around my neighborhood recently:

Now I know I put my lucky chicken's foot in here somewhere!

Fcuk flowers. Nothing says "I love you" like a whole dead chicken.

Cock and Rims. I hear they do a mean tossed salad next door.

He asked me if "I wanted him to *smile*". I said "Sure!".

(Can you see it?)

Now that's dinner conversation.

Oh My God! Somebody ripped off Mother Goose!

I'm sorry to break it to you guys...

Ever wonder why pigs are so happy? I don't think it's the shit.


That's it for now.

Until then, here's a piece of my ,

1 comment:

Kaye said...

Haha I loved this Tess! I loved the guy "smiling".
