Monday, June 7, 2010

This Errant Blogger

I am an inconsistent blogger at best.

I tend to over-think things when I'm writing. Pffffpt! I tend to over think everything, and this can be paralyzing.

I don't know what the deal is. Maybe I don't like committing to the words, or maybe I think I'll come up with something better later, or that I won't say it correctly. Maybe I'm just a coward, or a perfectionist. Yeah, that's it! I'm a cowardly perfectionist... who likes to procrastinate.

I realize that part of maintaining a good blog is developing good habits⧿and I only seem to know how to develop bad habits.

::stares blankly at the page for the next 10 minutes while sipping a glass of merlot::

What was I going on about? Oh yeah, habits!

In an effort to develop a habit of writing⧿not a riding habit⧿ *snort* I am going to attempt to make regular short posts (in addition to my long irregular posts) about anything beautiful or bizarre that catches my eye. Surely, I can do this right? I like to think we all encounter something beautiful (or bizarre) every day, if we just take the time to look for it.

So here it goes... something beautiful:

I was mesmerized by these rain drops on the leaves of a banana tree after a rain. Did you ever break open a thermometer to see what was inside? They look like Mercury don't they?

With LOVE to anyone who is beautiful and/or bizarre,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love this picture! Love you :)