Friday, September 25, 2009

In The Gap

I came across these words from Osho about a month ago. I read them―didn't get it, read them again, still didn't get it―closed the book and promptly forgot about them.

I re-read these same words over again yesterday, and I feel―well, I guess you could say I feel differently about them now.


Take it Easy - Osho

Buddha has chosen one of the really very potential words ― shunyata. The English word, the English equivalent, 'nothingness' is not such a beautiful word.

That's why I would like to make it 'no-thingness' ― because the nothing is not just nothing, it is all. It is vibrant with all possibilities. It is potential, absolute potential. It is unmanifest yet, but it contains all.

In the beginning is nature, in the end is nature, so why in the middle do you make so much fuss? Why, in the middle, becoming so worried, so anxious, so ambitious ― why create such despair?

Nothingness to nothingness is the whole journey.

✴ ✴ ✴

That's it for now,




Anonymous said...

Tess this post gave me goosebumps!

We've discussed before,that sometimes you read just the very thing you need to read at that moment.

That happened to me with this post.

Thank you xxoo

Tess said...

I'll be posting more from Osho here and there. He was a man full of wonderful insight. I wish I could've heard him speak in person.

Check out his books!
