Monday, October 18, 2010

Something Bizarre: Love, Prey, Eat

I know it's been a while since I've posted about something beautiful. You must be thinking I live only among the bizarre, but this just isn't true - I'm surrounded by beauty. Sometimes it's just easier to write about the bizarre.

Take this sign I spotted the other day. It really couldn't have come at a better time.

Hmmm... The next time your 'significant other' thinks you're being a unreasonable, tell them it could be worse.

Love and Nibbles,

Don't hate me. How could I resist?

Thursday, October 7, 2010

About Coffee, Relatives, Birthday's, And Unforgettable Moments

Today is the day I always think of my grandmother.

Sure, it's the anniversary of my birth, but more importantly, it's the anniversary of the day I drank my first cup of coffee.

After years of sneaking sweetened spoonfuls to me when no one was looking (moonshine came later), my grandmother announced during dinner, a few weeks before my 11th birthday, that 'she was going to start letting me drink coffee when I turned 11'.

"All this talk about coffee stunting your growth!" she continued, "Humph! Look at her! She's tall enough already. A little coffee ain't gonna hurt her."

I held my breath and kept my eyes pinned to the table; not daring to look at my mother, waiting for an eruption and then... nothing. It was blessed silence.

A few moments later, normal dinner conversation resumed. I looked up and met my grandmother's eyes; she winked... I grinned..., and then started looking toward my birthday with added anticipation.

To this day, I still drink my coffee exactly the way my grandmother first served it to me: strong enough to melt the paint off a wall, with a little cream and two sugars.

It's odd. The moments you remember. I can't recall the exact day I learned to drive, started my first job, or lost my virginity... but I remember my first cup of coffee.

Here's to Grandma... I miss you.



Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Something Bizarre: Ch-Ch-Ch CHIA!

I saw this display while I was out and about a few months ago.

Cute, green, and lucky? How could I resist?

I'm better with people.



This post is for Suz. Because she is lovely... and can rock any look!