Monday, July 26, 2010

Something Beautiful and dignified

Dear Robert,

You have my admiration. Time and time again; I am reintroduced, and completely in awe, of the decent human being that is you.

You have my respect; for the respect you consistently show other people, even when they are showing you less. You are more.

You are solid. Even when your environment is in a constant state of flux and seemingly fractured chaos, you are unwavering and give testament to yourself.

The only support I can offer you is through my written words, but know that they are infused with deep feeling and great regard.

With Love,


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Something Beautiful: The Tree That Keeps on Giving

This tree. Isn't it beautiful?

Maybe it's more than beautiful, maybe it's majestic.

It has presence.


It's teeming with life.

Notice all the other types of living things which have joined forces with this tree? While they depend upon it for their survival, they are simultaneously helping to feed and support it. It's its very own Gaia Hypothesis⧿or stated simply, a reflection of our own interconnection.

We could all learn something from this tree. Your life; the way you live it, and the choices you make are yours alone, but you are not alone.

On that note, I'm going to grab a cup of coffee; because it's way to freaking early to be humming that song thinking like this.

That's it for now.



Friday, July 2, 2010



Miss me?

I apologise for the lull. I was away for a bit.

I'll fill you in on the beautiful and bizarre things I experienced while I was away later. For now, I'll leave you with this photo:

The last time I stood in front of this tree I encountered a smiling elephant exfoliating herself... now there's just a rope for swinging.

I'd rather have the elephant.

But that didn't stop me from swinging! Ohhh yeah baby... I swung!! *whispers* Is this tense of 'swing' freaking you out too? Then I slipped off the rope, flashed at 12 year old (give or take a year), and got sand in some uncomfortable places..

whooo hoooo!! another great trip!!

That's it for now.

