Thursday, October 4, 2012

Moments, Movement, and Time

Good Lord!  

It's been nearly 10 months since my last post.  After such a long absence, I'm feeling a bit shy -  awkward even.

What to say?
What to write? 

Does anyone need me to say anything?

Have you ever been in a situation where you should've said something, but didn't?  

You waited...............The moments stretched____________________ and became time.  

And as time passed, it became more difficult to speak, it became easier to remain silent.  After a while, you decide some of these moments no longer matter, and let go.  Others, you might choose to carry around with you.

In regret...
As a lesson...
In remembrance...
With love...

Holy shit.  I have no idea where this post is going, just bear with me.  I can remember a particularly whiney conversation I once had with someone about my lifeand after letting me go on and on this person stopped me and said, 

"Listen, we all have stories.  I was slapped as kid.  In my country, we were ALL slapped as kids.  It wasn't a big dealyou go on.  What's happened to you in life does not matter.  What matters, is how you choose to go on"

Which brings me to the here and now.  I just remembered that when LIFE happens, I need to go on.  

I had forgotten.

With Love

Rawhide by Frankie Laine