If I could describe 2010 in one word, it would be Contradiction. For me, 2010 was a year of euphoric highs and shocking lows. I changed and I stayed the same. I was disappointed in some things but pleasanty surpirsed by others, so without further ado, here are my random thoughts of 2010:
1. If I could focus on one thing, I'd be dangerous.
2. I'm more pleasant to be around when I'm warm and well fed.
3. Caustic in a cab? Yes. I blame pygmy Tess.
4. Just because I understand, doesn't mean I don't wonder about the unanswered why.
5. I can't wear yellow and this really annoys me.
6. I take pictures of things I'm too lazy to paint.
7. Using slang for a body part is just not sexy.
8. And along these lines... Alluding to something sexual is far more arousing than graphically describing it.
9. Every time I try to forget, I remember.
10. Closure is important.
11. One Panadol Cold is better than two glasses of wine, but you didn't hear this from me.
12. When Ricky Gervais can make you emotional, you know you're pathetically sentimental.
13. Curtains have no place in a car.
14. I really enjoy my job.
15. Have Torch, will carry.
16. Why do you own a performance vehicle in Singapore?
17. I'm flexible and immovable.
18. Schleich action figures rock...
19. Why couldn't I have a more interesting form of synesthesia?
20. Nice. Is there such a thing as being too nice? Maybe, but I sleep well at night.
21. Running isn't so bad once you figure out how to breathe!
22. Thank God missing someone is not fatal... If it were, I'd be dead.
23. Speaking of God... As of 2010, He still doesn't make deals (but I keep hoping)
24. Oh, and before I forget...
Dear God,
Fine lines or spots⎼not both!
25. I finally learned how to pack!
26. Wit is incredibly sexy.
27. I can't be physically stimulated unless I'm mentally stimulated.
28. I have a tendency to overshare.
29. I also have ZERO tolerance for people who are: rude, condescending, unkind, intrusive, hostile, and/or those who bait others.
30. Occasionaly, I'm more than a bit self-righteous and annoying
31. But, If I like you, you'll know it. And If I don't, I will be civil.
32. I like body lotions that smell like something you can eat!
33. I am not afraid of: snakes, monkey's, roaches, or monitor lizards.
34. But I am afraid of spiders and ants.
35. And I will always love grasshoppers.
36. If the Cicadas are chirping, it's not going to rain.
37. I'm loving the Harry Potter phase.
38. I could've done without the Pokemon phase.
39. Some cats fight better than others.
40. My cat falls into the others catagory.
41. The phrase, "Just sayin" needs to go away.
42. I can't stand fishy tasting or fishy smelling fish, but I like seafood.
43. I'm catholic. My father is born again Christian, my mother defies explanation, my step-father is a druid, my man wasanaltarboywhoisnowanatheist! and you're calling me religiously insensitive?!? STFU.
44. Never use email to inform someone about the loss of a loved one.
45. I no longer like ice cream. When did that happen?
46. I really can't think of anything else to write, but I can't stop on an odd number.
Here's to Happy endings and New beginnings! As always, please feel free to share your thoughts on 2010!
Bringing up the rear Ringing in the year with Love,