It's been ages since my last post. I wish I could say It's because: I'm still on holiday, been love-napped by Robert Pattinson, or I'm doing something incredibly important—but I can't. I've just been busy contemplating my 2009—and given my erratic thought patterns... this took some time.
They say you learn something everyday, and while I won't subject you to 365 of my mental meanderings, here are a few *coughs* thoughts which stood out for me during the past year.
1. Liver—Yuk. How can something that smells so good taste so nasty?
2. Don't water yourself down for anyone. Be authentic.
3. There's a difference between going with the flow and being swept away.
4. I can't eat leeks—who knew.
5. Sometimes the truth is something that's not exactly a lie.
6. No matter what you Google, there's porn.
7. Why compare yourself to others? Everyone is needed.
8. Check logic at the door and trust your instincts.
9. I feel awkward typing acronyms like: LOL, LMAO, etc... so I avoid them when possible.
10. Thought without action is invalid.
11. The flushing sound of a toilet on an airplane scares the fuck out of me—every single time.
12. I will inevitably have to pee between 5-10 times during an international flight— causing fellow passengers to wonder and scaring myself senseless at the same time.
13. There is no such thing as a coincidence.
14. Certain words make me smile (but that's another post)
15. I don't cry prettily.
16. You can't walk a cat.
17. Humility cannot be claimed.
18. I love mandalas.
19. Life is short—eat dessert first.
20. Once and a while, people who come to mean a lot to you—come unexpectedly.
21. I consciously cuss on a daily basis.
22. Be PRESENT. If you spend too much time thinking about the past or wondering about the future you'll miss it.
23. Periodically ask yourself: 'Is this the way I want to spend the rest of my life?' If the answer is 'No'—do something about it.
24. I aplogise too much, and I'm really sorry about that.
25. Some people are just unreasonable.
26. Sometimes I'm unreasonable.
27. No. I don't want to have make up sex. I'm annoyed. Do you really want me that close to your penis?
28. Not everyone is going to like you.
29. No one can make you angry—it's something you choose to be.
30. Never try to out drink a Sikh.
31. I feel that true inner strength lies in how much you can withstand, not dish out.
32. I cannot be productive and think about Robert Pattinson at the same time.
33. It's wonderful if you make someone happy, but if you're not happy—what's the point?
34. I strive to be good, because I don't think they let you read in hell.
35. Your words and thoughts have power.
36. If you think about saying or doing anything 3X during a short period of time, you should probably say it or do it.
37. I'll admit it: Seeing comments on my blog makes me really happy.
38. I need to be fluent in a second language.
39. Say what you feel. Someone could be waiting to hear it.
40. Live honestly.
41. "Do you wanna touch my Tree of Life", and other such comments, is not going to get you laid—not by me anyway.
42. Don't let: shyness, indecision, and fear stop you from living the life you want.
43. You cannot receive what you're not prepared to give.
44. Cats don't meow at other cats—they only meow at people. Pay attention... it's true.
45. In my next life, I want to come back as a really hot Indian woman.
46. If there's somewhere you've always wanted to visit and no one will go with you... go anyway.
47. I'm happiest when I'm being creative.
48. Try this: Experience a food, a place, a thing, or someone you love with all 5 of your senses—just try it.
Alright... for those of you still with me, 48 seems like a good number to stop. 4+8= 12 and 12 is good number. I'd tell you why, but then you might not read my blog again.
PS: If you have any realisations from 2009 you'd like to share, I'd love to hear them!
That's it for now.