Dear Rob,
Sorry it's been so long since I've posted, but I've been busy trying to catch up after a long holiday. That, and I really didn't feel like getting sucked into the whole are they or aren't they drama that's surrounding you and Kristen Stewart at the moment. The entire subject has gotten beyond obsessive. What with all the minutely analyzed photo's of; Shirts, hats, hotels, backpacks, and bracelets! Oh, my!
What do people think you are? Garanimals? Oh, and for the record, I'm laughing hard imagining Kstew going along with the whole “matching outfit” scenario.
I don't think I've seen anything this polarizing since Hillary Clinton. It's as though lines have been drawn in the sand, with both sides so sure they're right and willing [to dedicate huge amounts of time] to prove their point.
To be honest, It's just too f*cking bizarre for me.
So, I've decided that since you've never commented on my relationship, I'm not going to comment on yours.
What's that you're saying???
“You don't know me, the person I'm with, AND it's none of your business?”
Yeah, that's my whole point.
Ps: Feel free to call me if you ever want to talk about our relationship ;)
That's it for now.
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