Seeing Robert Pattinson shirtless is like shopping at Target. You don't know you need it until you see it. Let's just say I added Shirtless Rob to the ever growing list of things that no other man will ever be able to compare with.

Exhibit 1: Robert Pattinson (by Richard and Clare Pattinson) Note the alabaster skin, defined abdominal muscles, and the 'David's' - i.e., the 'V' leading to the Holy Land.

Exhibit 1a: 'David' (by Michelangelo) Again, note the alabaster skin (actually this is marble), the defined abs, and well.. Davids' David's.

Exhibit 2: Robert Pattinson (by Richard and Clare Pattinson) Note the angle of his body in this photo, the sheen of his skin, the abs, the David's. Gaze longingly at his torso... imagining how it would feel under your.. umm, never mind.

Exhibit 2a: 'Discophoros' (1-2 AD copy of an early 4th century BC orib. by Naukydes) Again, note the body angle, the profile (though Disco wishes he had Rob's nose!) and the position of his arm.

Exhibit 3: Robert Pattinson (by Richard and Clare Pattinson) Coming back to this picture, please again note the lush expanse of skin, the pectorals, the definition and shadowing on his arms. I'd also like to draw your attention to the absence of his hands.

Exhibit 3a: 'Apollo' (by God only knows who) This one is uncanny! Compare the arms, the pectorals, the neck, the David's, the facial expression, and the absence of hands! Coincidence? I think not!

Exhibit 4: Robert Pattinson (by Richard and Clare Pattinson) By now, you have noted how fantastically well made he is. If you can draw your eyes away from his obliques long enough to note the angle of his head and torso, please proceed to Exhibit 4a.

Exhibit 4a: 'Apoxiomenos' (artist unknown) found by divers in 1999 near Mali Losinj in Croatia. Beautiful yes? After you've compared the similarities of the head and torso (hopefully they end there) there's really nothing much left to say.
Except this: Dear Rob, Even though I could care less if you're sporting rock hard abs, I'm very pleased you don't look like this.....

That's it! Wake Up!
You hit the nail on the head, Tess. He sets a standard of beauty matched only in the classics.
The man is Eros personified - Greek God of love and sexual desire. No wonder we don't stand a chance.
I actually tried to include Eros in this post, but alas, winged, shirtless photo's of Rob don't exist.
Maybe we can ask Eros for a small favor??
Excellent Post, Tess!!!
Thank you Tess! I'm so late to the game! I just became "Robessed" this year-2012. I'm a "Twi-mom" without a "twi-daugther"! Lol! As soon as I was smitten with RPattz, I recognized the Renaissance/Greco-Roman perfection in his body!
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