The one year anniversary of my blog came and went and I didn't even notice. I published my first post on October 22, 2008. Given that I just ramble most of the time, I'm not even sure if I can call this a blog―a blog is supposed to be about something... right?
As far as I can tell my blog has ADHD. But even this statement contradicts itself, because if that were true, I'd post more often. And since I've only posted 44 times in the past 54 weeks―I can't use that excuse. Hey wait! 44! That's a good number! 4+4 = 8 and 8 is my lucky number! if you take an 8 and turn it on it's side it's a symbol for.... Oh Jesus, there I go again...What the fuck was I talking about? Oh yeah, my blog―and how infrequently I post.
You know, I'd probably post more often if it weren't for the Tesses (pushy bitches) always trying to add their two cents in. You have no idea what I go through. You think I'm kidding? I'm not. Do I dare tell you how many half finished textual meanderings I have stashed away?
I start writing...
It's flowing...
I like it...
Hell, I might even love it...
'Yeah, I think to myself, this shit is fucking funny!'
'Dude!, I continue, This might be the best thing you've ever written!'
'Whoa! It's getting late. I'm better go to bed'
File... Save as... blah blah blah... With a self-satisfied smile, I go to sleep feeling really good about myself.
I wake up the next morning.
I re-read it.
I hate it
I'm seriously beginning to wonder about myself―maybe I am suffering from a multiple personality disorder... or ADHD. No, wait! maybe I have ADHD and OCD, or maybe I have issues with commitment―or a short attention span... OR MAYBE I'M JUST FUCKING BORING!!!
stops to think...
Nah... I banished 'Boring Tess'.

That's it for now.
Lot's of ♥ and thank you for reading,